Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fix the stupid forums. It gets boring just staring at My Page. So I came on here. Oh and guess what? I know how to follow people, Yeshh.


  1. I know.It's so annoying when people on the forums have to swear every minute!I agree with you on this one.Did you see the gift I gave you?My username was AlexBuffy

    bioshockgirl XD

  2. I agree. The forums have been SO annoying, and I'm getting even more annoyed with the plagerism on the storyboard. I'm hoping that all of us good writers can make the storyboard the way it was a few months ago with great original stories :)

  3. Man, one day I'll wait for that. I remember the storyboard was so awesome to read. Now there's like fights and crap on the storyboards which aren't labeled stories.

  4. Tell me about it. I remember when you could open the storyboard and get "Don't Stop Believing" and "Staying Skinny". Now it's stuff like "The pregnant teen. Once upon a time, a 16 year old got pregnant. Give me 20 recs to continue." It's rather suckish. I'm hoping our new stories can help bring it back.

  5. I'm thinking the same way. I mean, I love Innocent, but I've lost interest. It's also the fact that the storyboard isn't read as much anymore, so I'm not getting as many views and recs as I used to.

  6. Me to Pip. I just let out a new chapter of P.S. I Hate You, and got 290 views! Are you kidding me? Us as writers don't really care about the views and rec's but I mean, if nobody is reading them, then what are we suppose to do?

    Like I don't get it, just on the prolouge, I got amazing feedback, but when the chapters come poruing in, it's like, "Where'd all my readers go?"

  7. Exactly! I think the storyboard is dying. It seems like nobody's been going on it anymore because some of the great writers left. It's depressing in my opinion.

  8. who are the great writer's, by the way?

  9. I just got out a Chapter of The Baby and got 105 views!

  10. sorry, but views aren't worth anything- you want the recs...

  11. Hahaha. Who are you by the way anonymous? XD

  12. sims3, Turnersims3June 26, 2010 at 12:03 AM

    I'm sims3, Turnersims3.... lol. Sorry, I was just saying too, but it would be horrible to get over a thousand views and then get no recs... but at least people are actually looking at your creations, and since not many people rec these days, I guess views are good too.
