Ea, What the hell. Why are you deleteing my stories? She was effin drinking juice! Not whatever you guys thought. And so what if she was "drunk" and Hayden used her. You guys probally won't even get that done to you xD lmao. Anyways,the stupid storymaker refreshed on me 4 times for that chapter. Go ahead EA, delete the stories that I make on your site. I don't mind. But the fans do.
I do have patience, but my face right now ain't taking the patience now. Like an hour wasted on a chapter on a Saturday. I mean really? That hour I could've been going to a game for school or hanging with my friends, but you and you're looking asses(that a word?) Come in all macho and all deleting my stories. Stop getting all boss with me and start sniffing chilli powder. Cause you're getting on my nerves.